Soham Group

Nagar Mediatech Private Limited

Letsupp India’s first WhatsApp-powered digital magazine, now available as a mobile application, brings its users updates of the latest trends and news from around the globe. The magazine touches upon several topics like events, health & fitness, job updates, cricket & sports, news from the entertainment world, horoscope and more, to give users a wider perspective on their favourite topics. The application is available on Android and iOS stores.

Letsupp focuses on hyperlocal content that doesn’t find its way on national media and gives users an option to browse the same at their convenience on their mobile phones. It acts as a great option to local newspapers and radio for city news.

The application also proves to be a fantastic tool for local advertisements and gives entrepreneurs and business owners a chance to reach their target audience through regional languages and infotainment. Letsupp specializes in global, local, and hyperlocal information and entertainment through a network of reporters and stringers that work at the grassroot levels. The news provided benefits the local users as they are consistently updated on crucial government announcements, subsidies, and event sabzi mandi rates at the tehsil level. This exclusive approach sets Letsupp apart from other digital media.

These changing times have changed consumption habits of users and thus, we also offer all content in three formats – text, video, and audio.

LetsUpp is a unique user centric news and infotainment application that has been recognized and awarded in the ‘Aatmanirbhar App Innovative Challenge’ competition held by the Government of India. LetsUpp was awarded as the App with “Exponential Potential” by our Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji.

Developed by Hope, the LetsUpp Application is promoted by Mr. Narendra Firodia, an entrepreneur with a keen interest in investing and cultivating start-ups. Our vision is “To be India’s First App with the fastest updates in majority all language across India.”

Established in 2013
500K+ Followers
1 Million+ App Downloads
India’s first hyperlocal application powered by regional languages